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Resident owned design build management service founded in Anacostia, DC. It's principal owner is a native Washingtonian from Ward 8 with a background in architectural design, urban planning, contract administration and compliance.


Our vision is to focus on community development that fosters work based housing, employment, and mentorship programs for youth through learning from senior residents. The intent is to create intergenerational relationships that promote social wellness.



YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Internships, mentorship, career planning and curriculum planning.



SUPPLIER DIVERSITY Supportive services advisement and resources to build capacity and manage growth.




Coaching, training, and customized career development planning for individuals, entrepreneurs, and organizations.


DesignBuild charrette facilitation: "A charrette is an intensive planning session where citizens, designers and others collaborate on a vision for development. It provides a forum for ideas and offers the unique advantage of giving immediate feedback to the designers. More importantly, it allows everyone who participates to be a mutual author of the plan." The purpose of this corporation is to educate and engage stakeholders throughout the project delivery process, to explore diverse ideas, and to encourage inclusive best practices for local business development.


Experience a world of possibilities.....

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